Replenishment Steps

*** Proper food handling hygiene MUST be observed at all times ***

Use this picture as reference to find the parts you will be handling.

0. Washing Messy Parts First

a. Place the Clean and Dry drain bucket in the position shown, outside and infront of the machine

b. Take out the Espresso Part and put it in the clean bucket

c. Brush off the powder around the area, wipe if needed

d. Proceed to clean the Espresso Part in the clean bucket.

e. Dry this part after cleaning and install back the whole Espresso Part

f. Proceed to clean the 2 blue funnels, white funnel

g. Shake off the water droplets and dry all funnels , install back

h. Wash the 3 white ingredient mixers, and install back - no need to dry.

i. make sure all 3 tubes per mixer is installed back tightly

1. Refilling

1a. Refill the water tank. only pull it out alittle so you can remove the cap.

Things to note :

  • when returning the tank back to original position, make sure that the pipes going through the tank from the top is in all the way

1b. Refill the powder canister, shake the canister before and after refilling

Things to note :

  • make sure the ingredients are filled correctly!

1c. Refill the coffee beans. this is behind the cups chambers. refill to line marked on the container

1d. Refill cups slowly and check the cups condition

Things to note :

  • take a look at the cups to ensure there is no dents on the top rims of the cups.
  • all cups must have at least 3mm spacing from rim to rim
  • the cups will get stuck and machine will not work when there is dented rims or cups that are too close together

1e. Turn off the ice making unit, wait for 2 seconds, turn it on

2. Cleaning

2a. Slowly run hot water through this Overflow Filter to clean the drain tube,

  • ensure that it is not clogged
  • check drain bucket - run until the water / tube is clear

2b. use the vacuum cleaner to clean any visible powder in the machine

2c. use wet cloth to clean any stain or powder left

  • clean the internal side of the door also

2d. Use the water spray in the machine to wash the cup dispensing area

this is the cup dispensing area

spray these 4 water sprout also

2e. dry any visible water puddle in the machine.

2f. Remove the plastic bag that hold the coffee bean grounds.

Line a few layer of plastic bag in the bin if there is no more plastic bag

2g. replace the drain bucket with a clean bucket.

do this step after final check

if the sealable drain bucket is not used yet, find a proper place to throw away the dirty water and rinse the bucket

2h. if the drain pipe dirty the machine when changing the bucket, clean it up

3. Restock the System

3. Follow the video to restock the system. the following is the description of the steps in video

3a. tap 5 time on the top left of the screen

3b. tap 4 times on the top right of the screen

3c. enter code in the number pad pop up. Code : 2334 (code may change) - you might need to wait a little here

3d. find and tap "Product Restock"

3e. max all ingredients

3f. tap "Save and Exit" at the top right of the screen

3g. find and tap "Power" button, "Restart" and "OK" to restart the system.

4. Clean the exterior

4a. while waiting for the system to restart, use a different clean cloth to wipe the screen and the surrounding black plastic.

4b. clean the door to the cup dispensing area with the previous cloth.

5. Final Check and Reporting

** Important **

5a. Using the controller on the door - Press "WASHING" twice slowly

  • observe as the machine start to wash itself, starting at the ingredient mixers. then follow by the espresso part
  • also pay attention to these tube at the cup dispensing area
  • MAKE SURE that water comes out from all 4 tubes at different point of time
  • THIS IS IMPORTANT! - this 4 tubes ensure that the machine is functioning well
  • redo this step if you think you miss any tube
  • Contact Kay or Din if not all tube has water

5b. Check if the rubber tube of the water spray is hooked back into the silver bracket

5c. Use the controller on the inside and press "Cup Test". make sure a cup dispense properly.

  • dispense 5 cups
  • and remove the cups - (do not put it back into cup chamber)
  • if only the right chamber is being used, press "Shift" once before pressing "Cup Test" to dispense cup from right chamber

5d. Using the controller, Press "CHECK", ensure that the small display show "Er- 0" as shown in photo

this is an example of error message - contact Kay or Din

5e. Using the controller, Press "EXIT", ensure that it is "On SALE" only.

there should not be "ice suspended" or "bean suspended"

5f. Make sure that the screen is back to the proper vending page where customer can select drinks.

5g. Take 3 picture of the inside of the body and internal and external side of the door, of the machine and a picture of the outside. - sample shown below

5h. Fill up the Replenishment Checklist and upload the pictures taken.

5i. Replace drain bucket if not yet done so